Where: Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, Auckland
When: Tue 14 - Fri 17 June 2022, 10:30am and 1pm performances available.
Please fill in the form below to register your interest in a school booking for any of the performances of YES YES YES and we will be in touch shortly. Tickets will be allocated on a strictly first-come, first-serve basis. Final payment will be due a week prior to the performance. For any questions or for more information, please contact education@aucklandlive.co.nz
Terms and Conditions
• Schools and teachers are responsible for their normal EOTC procedures for this event.• Students will not be admitted on school block tickets except as part of their pre-booked group, and in the presence of the nominated teacher.• Students are not permitted to bring bags or backpacks of any kind into the event. Teachers can bring a bag or backpack.